Welcome to the island.

No, this is not a joke.
The Spelunke is located directly on the Danube canal in Vienna’s 2nd district.
The “Leopoldstadt” district was originally an entire island, formed by the Danube and the Danube Canal.

So, hop onto the island.
And hop into the Spelunke!

For reservations of 9 person and more please write us an E-Mail to ahoi@spelunke.at

We ask you for understanding that e-mails are not processed on the weekends. The office is occupied from Monday to Thursday 9.00 until 16.00 o’Clock and on Friday from 9.00 o’clock until 12 o’clock.

    Spelunke Gastronomie GmbH
    Taborstraße 1
    1020 Vienna

    Public transport:

    U1/U4 Schwedenplatz (Google Maps)


    Garage Große Mohrengasse 1 (Google Maps),
    A-1020 Wien

    The sluices open:

    Monday until Thursday 11:00 – 01:00
    Friday 11:00 – 03:00
    Saturday 11:00 – 03:00
    Sunday 10:00 – 22:00

    Closed on the 24th & 25th of December and 1st & 6th of January.

    Contact the Spelunke:

    Telephone: +43 1 2124151
    Fax: +43 1 212 4151 99