Thum ham | Bio Camembert | egg in a glass | jam | butter | roll | croissant
spinach | egg | potatoe toast | Sauce Hollandaise
Thum ham | egg | potatoe toast | Sauce Hollandaise
smoked salmon | egg | potatoe toast | Sauce Hollandaise
3 eggs
with chives
made with 3 eggs | thum ham
sausage | egg | tomato
poached egg | beef tatar | Sauce Hollandaise
poached egg | spinach | truffle creme
Thum ham | Bio Camembert | tomato salad
cucumber | corn | herbs
eggs | tomato salsa
truffled scrambled eggs
grape | salad | tomato
poached egg | spinach | mustard sauce
meat pocket | root vegetables
red beet hummus | horseradish
onion | butter | potato toast
Kajmak | flatbread
shallot cream | honey dijon
mozzarella | marinated tomato
grape | nut | pumpkinseed oil
crouton | parmesan
with chicken breast
with prawns
chorizo roast
hashbrown | onion sauce | fries
fried rice
monkfish | prawn | flatbread
potato salad
baby potatoes | margarine | crumbs
from Austria
vanilla sauce | apple sorbet
raspberries | raspberries sorbet
mango | spinach | pineapple
strawberry | raspberry | blackberry | agave syrup
herbal infusion
ginger lemon
earl grey
A Gluten-containing cereals, namely wheat (all wheat species and wheat derivatives which are commercially available in Austria**), including the
grains known as spelt and khorasan wheat, kamut, wild emmer, einkorn wheat and green spelt), rye, barley, oats or its hybrid strains, as well as
products derived thereof, with the exception of
a) wheat-based glucose syrups including dextrose1
b) wheat-based maltodextrins1;
c) barley-based glucose syrups;
d) cereals used for the production of alcoholic distillates including ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin
B Crustaceans and products derived therefrom
C Poultry eggs and products derived therefrom
D Fish and products derived therefrom, except…
a) fish gelatine, that is used as a carrier for vitamin or carotenoid preparations;
b) fish gelatine or isinglass, that is used as a fining agent in beer
and wine
E Peanuts and products derived therefrom
F Soybeans and products derived therefrom, except:
a) fully refined soybean oil and fat1;
b) natural mixed tocopherols (E306), natural D-alpha tocopherol, natural D-alpha tocopherol acetate, natural D-alpha tocopherol succinate
from soybean sources;
c) phytosterols derived from vegetable oils and phytosterol esters derived from soybean sources;
d) phytostanol esters from soybean sources that are derived from vegetable oil sterols
G Milk from mammals such as cows, sheep, goats, horses and donkeys and products derived thereof (including lactose), except…
a) whey used for making alcoholic distillates including ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin;
b) lactitol;
H Nuts, including almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews, pecan nuts, Brazil nuts, pistachio nuts, macadamia nuts and Queensland nuts, as well as
products derived thereof, except nuts used for making distillates and ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin
L Celery and products derived thereof
M Mustard and products derived thereo
N Sesame seeds and products derived thereof
OSulphur dioxide and sulphites at concentrations of more than 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/litre as total present SO2, that is to be calculated for edible
produce or produce that is to be returned to its original form according to the manufacturer’s instructions
P Lupin and products derived thereof
R Molluscs such as muscles, oysters, snails and products derived thereof
1) And products derived thereof, in so far as the process that they have undergone is not likely to increase the level of allergenicity, as assessed by the EFSA for the relevant product from which they originated. For further details please refer to the Austrian Ministry for Health’s national questions and
answers catalogue.
*) is only applicable in conjunction with the corresponding key.
**) are thus explained in the Austrian Ministry for Health’s national questions and answers catalogue.
Spelunke Gastronomie GmbH
Taborstraße 1-3
1020 Vienna
Tel.: +43 1 212 41 51
Bank Details:
IBAN: AT30 3200 0000 1251 5938
Managing Director: Werner Helnwein
Corporate Tax ID no.: ATU 71774626, FN: 463070 k
Commercial Court Vienna
Authority according to E-Commerce Law: ‘Bezirksamt’ of the Second District Member of the Chamber of Commerce Vienna, FG Gastronomy, Restaurants
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1020 Wien
Tel.: +43 1 212 41 51
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